Your Harmony
Your Inner Self
Your Best Self
Be the "You" of your Dreams...
Discover and express the best of you...in every area of your life, with yourself, in relationships, in your career, at social events, and online, you can express yourself confidently and naturally.
My name is Rebel Holiday and I teach you to create harmony in your look and life.
Wouldn't it be amazing to be proud and full of love who you see in the mirror? I know how you can be amazing.
Let's do this together!
Work With MeYou have a unique Harmony Pattern in your face.
You are born with your Harmony Pattern and you'll have it all your life.
It reveals your best design elements, looks and styles -- and just as important your Harmony's Inner Essence.
Once you know your personal Harmony Pattern you can apply this to your look and your life.
You gain in-depth training in how Harmony applies to you.
Our interactive training programs, videos, with personalized products, and coaching to look, feel and be your best.

This describes and defines your personal harmony pattern and even your essence. You'll learn how to enhance it with visual and aesthetic choices. You can know and choose your optimal shapes, scale, lines, and textures with your Harmony Profile.

Your profile is your "blueprint" that guides you on the specific design and style elements to bring out your best features and most attractive qualities. This is a personal resource that you will refer to over the years as you apply principles for your best looks.

You can wear hundreds of colors well, yet remembering a specific tint, tone, or shade of any hue requires a reference point. You'll want your spectrum with you anytime you are buying for your wardrobe, home, or office, this electronic personalized spectrum allows you to take your colors anywhere!
I am fascinated with people more than ever since I discovered the power in Harmony Patterns.
I love teaching harmony because it makes an amazing difference in your life when you suddenly love what you see in the mirror. Imagine the empowerment knowing how to modify any design element for a new or slightly different effect...
When you can fully appreciate your good qualities, accept your humanity and be kind to yourself when you're not "perfect."
My own story of transformation at an early age made me realize how important it was to master personal harmony.
Over the past 30 of years, I've helped 6,700 people achieve a more harmonious look with life results in my personal consulting and coaching practice.
Hear what clients are saying...

"I've gained new knowledge, more confidence in my personal self and an overall good feeling... this has been one of the most uplifting experiences that I have encountered. Your classes have given me new knowledge, more confidence in my personal self, acceptance of my character traits, and an overall good feeling in how I portray myself to me and others. My personal design fits into my lifestyle -- and it will be with me all of my life."
Marianne, San Diego, California

"I have felt good about myself but it has been an "inside" experience only. I haven't known how to express this to the world. By using your Harmony System and having clothes in my colors and styles, I feel I'm in Harmony with life around me. I am more confident in making my statement in life and that it is the message I want to give."
Summer, New York, New York
Our Living Harmony System will help you shift situations you've been putting up with or trying to change... to finally experience more satisfaction and fulfillment as you flourish.

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You & I will Love Seeing Your Transformation!
Long ago are the days when I criticized myself continually. I remember looking into my closets packed with clothes, and feeling I had "nothing" to wear.
After a series of major life challenges and blessings, I was able to develop a personalized system -- now I've taught over 6,700 women and men to enhance and appreciate their natural harmony pattern.
I'll be your Guide, you be the Hero. Together we'll celebrate your Success!
While you are waiting to start your journey with us
Download our Free Design Guide